This section is for any previously used or outdated equipment that doesn't function as they should or have become obsolete. All items are "as is" and carry no warranty by manufacturer or us, unless specified otherwise. Items are subject to one or more of the following: yellowing, scratches, dents, chips, and or missing pieces. No equipment has been tested unless explicitly described in the product grade. Please call before ordering anything from this section to verify condition and live stock quantity. All sales are FINAL.
Class A Devices: Device has been inspected for full functionality and meets functional requirements. May have a little yellowing
Class B Devices: Device has been inspected, and a few minor flaws (including yellowing, scratches, dings, and dents) are imminent
Class C Devices: Device has been inspected and functions as it should, but has multiple flaws that may not be aesthetically pleasing or hurt certain aspects of the device
Class D Devices: If you're looking for overpriced paperweights, you're in the right spot :)